Just a few days and it will officially be fall with our evenings coming sooner and weather that has not made up its mind yet and too wet! Perfect weather to stay in and knit or make something though! What do you have on your needles?
There is a nip in the air in the morning and again at night already. I am ready to enjoy sweater weather but is it sweater weather yet? Are you wearing your summer knits or fall knits!
I look forward to fall with the wonderful change in season colours. This year I have not spent nearly as much time on the back patio knitting but as the weather cools, I should take advantage of our remaining outdoor knitting opportunities.
I can't quite believe that this weekend is the Labour Day long weekend! Is it sweater weather yet? Maybe not quite yet especially with the heat wave they are expecting but maybe it is time to start knitting them? What is on your needles?
It is still too hot out sometimes and sometimes it isn't and already the nights have started cooling down! It has also started getting dark earlier too, perfect for starting a new project or finishing one that was put away for the summer.